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Making the Most

of Change

Change is the only constant these days — Is it bringing out the best, or the worst in your people?

Identifying Problems

The problem could be related to productivity, or morale, or to the inability of your employees to work together as a team.


Sorting out these problems depends on getting a few basics right ­ and hiring a professional with the proven ability to get your organization back on track.

Designing Solutions

The difficulty with developing organizations is that there are too many things to consider. A good diagnostic model is essential to figure out where an investment of effort will pay off.


The Adaptive Organization Model allows us to design a process for getting from where you are, to where you want to be and stay focused each step along the way.

Copyright © 2015 by Turning Point. All rights reserved.

Kim Payton, PhD: Organizational Psychologist  |  Tel: 808 383-4334  |  Fax: 808 261-1729

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