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  • Lead Together is an integrated approach to developing individual leaders and their leadership team using assessments, executive coaching and team workshops.  Team workshops focus on refining the most significant tasks the team must accomplish which tend to be driving change, cultivating a healthy organization culture, developing succession, or refining cross functional processes.

  • Organization Assessment and Alignment Perhaps the biggest challenges in improving our organizations is knowing where to focus, and getting everybody to focus on the same plan.  Through surveys, interviews and group data feedback workshops we create a plan to improve the organization in collaboration with managers and employees.

  • Change Program Design and Facilitation There may be no more difficult task than driving significant organizational change.  The reason is- there are so many elements involved in taking an organization from one level of functioning to a higher level.  Change, however is an art and a science that can be learned.  The key is to focus on three change levers: Identity and Intention, Two Way Communication, and Leadership Development

  • Building Teams The natural unit of organization is the team.  The team environment makes it easier to do more with less, to adapt to change, and to create resilience in the face of the stress of the modern workplace.  The “Building Teams” process employs assessments, activities and facilitated dialog to develop trust, understanding, collaboration, and positivity.

  • Executive Coaching The success of your organization depends more than anything else on the effectiveness of your leaders. Executive coaching harnesses the pressure of change to the development of leaders as people and as executives.  The purpose of coaching is to assist executives in achieving business results and personal mastery from the challenges they encounter, accelerate the process of learning and development, and keep leaders stay focused on their work and committed to their careers through the hard times.

  • Collaboration Workshops The power and intelligence of your organization depends on the degree to which people are “on the same page”, and recognize a clear, shared common ground.   Collaboration workshops tend to involve large numbers of participants and provide the opportunity to articulate a shared history, common purpose, and mechanisms for succeeding together.

  • Career Planning and Adult Development Counseling Success depends, more than any other factor on job fit.  If our job requirements match our native abilities and interests, we will be more successful, our stress will be constructive, and we will have higher job satisfaction.  Turning Point combines highly a sophisticated test of native abilities (the Highlands Ability Battery) tests of personality (the DISC and MBTI) with a unique understanding of the adult development process to help people make good decisions about their work and life choices at various critical life passages.

  • Training

    • Change Leadership

    • Making the most of stress and change

    • Crucial conversations

    • Appreciating People

    • Effective Systematic Communication

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